The new session analytics offers you a variety of information about your current gaming session, see how fast you are gaining experience on the 'Stats' section, everything about your loot and monster kills on the 'PvE' section, keep scores with other players on the 'PvP' section, and watch the performance of your team on the 'Team' section. PvE, PvP and Team sections are only available to Gold Supporters.
Bonus XP has been added to Lizard's, Gargoyle's, Dragon's, Minotaur's, Frozen's, Lava's and Demon's armor sets. Each armor set give bonus XP when killing monsters that drop them. Only Helmets, Chests, Belts, Legs, Boots and Gloves of rarity rare or greater give bonus XP.
New eventsNew boss event coming September 14 and 15. This boss starts the introduction of the 'Titan Armor Set' the new strongest set on the game, similar to the Golden set new pieces of the Titan set will be introduced gradually before the new zone is added. More events will be added to fill the gap between the big events (Easter, Halloween and Christmas)
Other changesNew mechanic called 'Aggro', you may be already familiar with this mechanic from other games, is very simple the higher your aggro the more likely a monster will decide to attack you over other players, aggro can be increased by equipping certain armors, helmets and shields, and the minimum aggro a character has is 4, 3, and 2 for knight, archer and mage respectively.
ParryThe parry mechanic has existed since Rucoy launched, in other games parrying means to completely block an attack, in Rucoy when you parry you can still receive damage but much less than without a parry, the way it works is once per second you can parry an attack using 100% of your defense and all subsequent attacks for that second use only 50% of your defense.
Double ShieldYou can now equip a secondary shield on your sword slot, this second shield doesn't increase your defense, it adds a second parry per second, when you get hit your first parry will use your primary shield to block and your second parry will use your secondary shield. While 2 shields are equipped and knight class is active you can't attack monsters or players but you can still target them and your character will follow them as usual. You can receive defense skill experience if your teammates are dealing damage to monsters.
Double Shield SpecialThis special ability replaces the knight's sword special when 2 shields are equipped, it has 2 effects, first it makes all near monsters target you and second it adds 2 extra parries for 1 second meaning you can parry up to 4 attacks per second when using this special ability. You will receive melee experience for every monster that targets you (up to 4) if your teammates are dealing damage. It has a cost of 50 mana points and a 1 second cooldown.
Air Slash SpecialThis special ability adds a distance attack to knights, it sends a air shock wave at your target or at the closest possible target if no target is selected. It's damage is the same as the regular sword special, it uses your melee skill not your distance skill, range is the same as archer's range. It has a cost of 50 mana points and a 1.5 seconds cooldown.
Haste SpecialThis special ability allows archers to increase their speed and the speed of their teammates for a few seconds, speed increases by 50 speed points, duration of this effect depends on your bow attack, your distance skill and your base level. The effect of this ability can't be stacked. Duration is shorter during PvP battles. It has a cost of 100 mana points and 2 seconds cooldown.
Magic Wall SpecialThis special ability allows mages to place a magic wall on the world, monsters and players participating in PvP can't walk through this magic wall, projectiles can pass through magic walls, magic walls can't be placed where there is a player, a monster or another magic wall, the duration of this wall depends on you wand attack, your magic skill and your base level. It has a cost of 200 mana points and a 3 seconds cooldown. There are 2 types of magic walls PvE and PvP magic walls, PvP magic walls have a shorter duration, are smaller and will disappear if the caster isn't near.
Visit the 'Specialist' npc to acquire one of these new special abilities
PvP ChangesWhile participating in PvP your Stamina won't decrease, you also won't gain experience while in PvP
Added PvP titles
The game map has been replaced by a new redesigned map, 50% larger.
A new town for players level 150 or more has been added, it is closer to high level hunting zones.
Assassin's, Vampire's, Drow's and Lizard's keys have been added.
Added the first version of the minimap to help you move around on the new map.
A new permanent boss ‘Cerberus’ has been added, strongest boss to date.
6 new ‘endgame’ items have been added, as well as uncommon (green background) and rare (blue background) versions of the Lizard’s, Dragon’s and Frozen’s armor sets.
3 new animated weapon outfits have been added, 1 for each class.
You can now quickly change weapons by tapping a second time on your class selection button, the last 6 weapons in your inventory of the selected class will show up, if you have 2 or more of the same weapon only 1 will be shown.
Guilds system is finally coming to Rucoy Online, you will be able to create a guild with up to 500 of your friends, proudly show your guild name on your character screen and talk to your comrades on the new 'Guild' chat, no matter which server they are playing on.
We've decided to release a new site for everyone to follow along with the latest news about Rucoy Online. In the first version of the site you can view our news and the global highscore.