
Call Of The Wild

La plus grande guilde francaise actuellement, si tu veux une guilde francaise rejoins nous on sera ravis de t'accueillir. Plus qu'une guilde une vraie famille. Discord = 0slo_

Founded on April 11, 2023


Name Level Join date
Aprada 108 Jul 14, 2023
Arbremagique 281 May 25, 2023
Axolotl Blanc 185 Jul 18, 2023
Baguette De Fr 218 Apr 14, 2023
Bloodviper 82 Jul 21, 2023
Boosk Halloweem 133 Jul 29, 2023
Bourguignol 355 Jul 09, 2023
Boutify Dld Supporter 202 Jul 25, 2023
Call Of Thewild (Leader) 20 Apr 28, 2023
Ce Taive 122 May 28, 2023
Chickkenwings 100 Jul 20, 2023
Climbat 105 Jul 26, 2023
Crusty Ddd 382 Jun 17, 2023
Cyril Le Fr Supporter 180 Jul 17, 2023
Darcy Dist Supporter 426 Apr 15, 2023
Demon Alastor Supporter 334 May 29, 2023
Dodolxrdxexe 94 May 04, 2023
Doraj Jorad 86 Aug 02, 2023
Dragon Red Dtm 159 Jul 14, 2023
Drugsarebad Supporter 190 Apr 23, 2023
Elek Stoorm 102 Jul 17, 2023
Evilcorpe Supporter 180 Apr 12, 2023
Ezorx Supporter 143 Jun 25, 2023
Fan De Frtc Supporter 140 May 28, 2023
Fourtou Supporter 278 May 19, 2023
Foxylerenard Supporter 130 Jul 02, 2023
Grossse Bite 47 Aug 30, 2023
Guerrierdeuf 101 Jul 09, 2023
Gxeusma 149 Jul 25, 2023
Hg Sauron Supporter 357 Jul 04, 2023
Il Krozei Op Il 26 Jun 02, 2023
Jalami Junior 244 Jul 18, 2023
Kaidrixx 79 May 06, 2023
Karbah 31 Jul 23, 2023
Kayzl Supporter 154 Jun 06, 2023
Kylimule 162 Jun 07, 2023
Lacoste Tn 52 Jun 10, 2023
La Fee Lation 227 Jul 12, 2023
Leapoulette 275 Jun 04, 2023
Lelouile 100 Jul 13, 2023
Le Rat Op Supporter 177 Sep 01, 2023
Le Roi Lion 50 Jul 19, 2023
Lexipart Yt Supporter 211 Jun 19, 2023
Licorny 54 Jul 27, 2023
Lucassg 110 Aug 10, 2023
Madjino 104 Apr 25, 2023
Mikudaa 195 Apr 12, 2023
Missaw 151 Sep 01, 2023
Miss Little Supporter 206 Jun 26, 2023
Mooonkey Supporter 266 Jun 02, 2023
Motus Supporter 104 Jul 04, 2023
Mthieu Supporter 290 Apr 15, 2023
No Rage Supporter 180 Apr 22, 2023
Ohhj 289 Jun 02, 2023
Pikatch Supporter 175 Jun 19, 2023
Princesse Rucoy 127 Jul 23, 2023
Ptit Coeur Supporter 226 Apr 12, 2023
Repiezer 189 Jul 21, 2023
Rorob 273 Jul 05, 2023
Rubis Dps 134 Apr 25, 2023
Saphir Dt 101 Apr 25, 2023
Saroah 32 Jul 25, 2023
Shadow Kyrem 105 Aug 11, 2023
Shiroe Logh 334 Jul 27, 2023
Shysoux 153 Jun 01, 2023
Tadomi Kaari 41 Jul 04, 2023
Tetsuuya Supporter 320 May 18, 2023
The Diamond Red 186 May 03, 2023
The Red Falcon 87 Jun 11, 2023
Titigamerr Supporter 244 May 17, 2023
Uhdjeb Supporter 230 Jul 18, 2023
Wasbenx Fr 76 Jul 21, 2023
Wykiazt 155 May 18, 2023
Zahma Supporter 235 Apr 15, 2023
2017 Rucoy Online
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