Ze Roquinho

Character Information
Name Ze Roquinho
Level 175
Guild Knights Of Shadows
Last online about 1 hour ago
Born February 25, 2024
Recent character kills and deaths
Toon Beatriz killed Ze Roquinho - about 1 hour ago
Capitain Price killed Ze Roquinho - about 1 hour ago
Ze Roquinho and Toon Beatriz killed Rip Merlin - about 1 hour ago
Toon Beatriz and Ze Roquinho killed Jjajja Jjs - about 1 hour ago
Ze Roquinho killed Brayian - about 1 hour ago
Brotheroflight and Thedragon Blood killed Ze Roquinho - about 1 hour ago
Thedragon Blood killed Ze Roquinho - about 1 hour ago
Ze Roquinho and Toon Beatriz killed Igorfrederico - about 1 hour ago
Ze Roquinho and Toon Beatriz killed Gabrifeiobonito - about 1 hour ago
Ze Roquinho killed Madaraf - about 1 hour ago
Gory Knight killed Ze Roquinho - about 11 hours ago
Aarondavid killed Ze Roquinho - about 11 hours ago
Aarondavid killed Ze Roquinho - about 11 hours ago
Aarondavid killed Ze Roquinho - about 11 hours ago
Ze Roquinho and Pedrorrsp killed Knight Xyz - about 11 hours ago

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