Grzmotnik Hrd Supporter

Character Information
Name Grzmotnik Hrd
Level 707
Guild Il Horde Il
Title Adventurer VII Legendary
Last online about 7 hours ago
Born November 13, 2016
Recent character kills and deaths
Vizav , Berat Hrd , Damn This Rxsul and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Zerath - about 7 hours ago
Berat Hrd , Atomical Xl , Volcanic Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Zerath - about 7 hours ago
Berat Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Agent Wand - about 7 hours ago
Paseratti Hrd , Berat Hrd , Grzmotnik Hrd , Volcanic Hrd and Damn This Rxsul killed Deadly Mxnarch - about 7 hours ago
Vizav , Volcanic Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Zerath - about 7 hours ago
Volcanic Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Agent Wand - about 7 hours ago
Volcanic Hrd , Paseratti Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Xaxsax - about 7 hours ago
Paseratti Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Deadly Mxnarch - about 7 hours ago
Grzmotnik Hrd , Paseratti Hrd , Vizav , Damn This Rxsul and Berat Hrd killed Agent Wand - about 7 hours ago
Grzmotnik Hrd , Paseratti Hrd , Damn This Rxsul and Vizav killed Divine Xaxsax - about 7 hours ago
Berat Hrd , Grzmotnik Hrd , Paseratti Hrd and Vizav killed Divine Zerath - about 7 hours ago
Damn This Rxsul , Berat Hrd , Volcanic Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Xaxsax - about 7 hours ago
Damn This Rxsul , Berat Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Deadly Mxnarch - about 7 hours ago
Grzmotnik Hrd , Volcanic Hrd , Paseratti Hrd , Berat Hrd and Damn This Rxsul killed Agent Wand - about 7 hours ago
Berat Hrd and Grzmotnik Hrd killed Divine Xaxsax - about 7 hours ago
Grzmotnik Hrd , Berat Hrd and Damn This Rxsul killed Deadly Mxnarch - about 7 hours ago

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