Nigth Form Supporter

Character Information
Name Nigth Form
Level 538
Guild Infernal Cruelty
Title Mystic Knight III Rare
Last online 9 minutes ago
Born June 03, 2020
Recent character kills and deaths
Nigth Form killed Kv Chef - about 5 hours ago
Giga Juca Low killed Nigth Form - about 12 hours ago
Nigth Form killed Giga Juca Low - about 12 hours ago
Giga Juca Low killed Nigth Form - about 12 hours ago
Alemao Bruninho and Nigth Form killed Giga Juca Low - about 12 hours ago
Alemao Bruninho and Nigth Form killed Giga Juca Low - about 12 hours ago
Giga Juca Low and Nigth Form killed Fugiu - about 12 hours ago
Nigth Form and Imphysxc killed Il Menezes - 4 days ago
Tm Br Pro and Il Menezes killed Nigth Form - 4 days ago
Nigth Form killed Tm Br Pro - 4 days ago
Nigth Form killed Gbn Farm - 4 days ago
Nigth Form killed Tm Br Pro - 4 days ago
Nigth Form killed Il Menezes - 4 days ago
Nigth Form , Gbn Farm and Shion Wds killed Il Menezes - 4 days ago
Nigth Form killed Tm Br Pro - 4 days ago

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