Nakashi Sory Supporter

Character Information
Name Nakashi Sory
Level 370
Guild F D K
Title Rogue Knight II Uncommon
Last online 1 day ago
Born January 30, 2020
Recent character kills and deaths
Nakashi Sory and Davi Rof Sjk killed Toc Coc Ggiogg - 1 day ago
Davi Rof Sjk and Nakashi Sory killed Vahzsu - 1 day ago
Nakashi Sory and Davi Rof Sjk killed Toc Coc Ggiogg - 1 day ago
Davi Rof Sjk , Toc Coc Ggiogg and Nakashi Sory killed Vahzsu - 1 day ago
Nakashi Sory killed Toc Coc Ggiogg - 1 day ago
Fdk Wand Xz , Fdk Il Rickz , Nakashi Sory and Im Sxlitary killed Leo Do Pvp - 1 day ago
Script De Mage killed Nakashi Sory - 1 day ago
Leo Do Pvp and Moises Isaias killed Nakashi Sory - 1 day ago
Fdk Wand Xz , Nakashi Sory and Im Sxlitary killed Leo Do Pvp - 1 day ago
Fdk Il Rickz , Nakashi Sory , Fdk Wand Xz , Im Sxlitary and Ifkffkf killed Il Mato Tudo Il - 1 day ago
Nakashi Sory , Ifkffkf and Fdk Il Rickz killed Moises Isaias - 1 day ago
Ifkffkf , Fdk Il Rickz , Im Sxlitary , Nakashi Sory and Fdk Wand Xz killed Moises Isaias - 1 day ago
Im Sxlitary , Nakashi Sory , Fdk Wand Xz and Fdk Il Rickz killed Il Mato Tudo Il - 1 day ago
Nakashi Sory , Im Sxlitary and Fdk Wand Xz killed Il Mato Tudo Il - 1 day ago
Fdk Wand Xz , Im Sxlitary and Nakashi Sory killed Moises Isaias - 1 day ago

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