Vengeful Junko Supporter

Character Information
Name Vengeful Junko
Level 386
Guild The Sanctuary
Title Defender IV Ultra Rare
Last online about 10 hours ago
Born April 26, 2020
Recent character kills and deaths
Mythic Zeus , Mythic Hades and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Lets Go Samos , Mythic Hades and Mythic Zeus killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Hades , Mythic Aries and Mythic Zeus killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus and Mythic Hades killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Aries , Mythic Zeus and Mythic Hades killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus , Mythic Hades and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Aries and Mythic Hades killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus , Mythic Hades and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Avvie Knight , Vengeful Junko , Papi Viko and Decoupz killed Mythic Aries - 4 days ago
Mythic Aries and Mythic Zeus killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Decoupz and Vengeful Junko killed Mythic Aries - 4 days ago
Mythic Zeus , Mythic Hades and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago
Mythic Hades , Mythic Zeus and Mythic Aries killed Vengeful Junko - 4 days ago

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