
Character Information
Name Momonlk
Level 418
Title Ice Elemental Slayer III Rare
Last online about 5 hours ago
Born July 29, 2022
Recent character kills and deaths
The Demon Il and Lord Maky killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Momonlk and Lord Maky killed Marciaa - about 5 hours ago
Kkqba Lp killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Momonlk and Rom Samael killed Mineiro Imp - about 5 hours ago
Nerkenix , Mineiro Imp and Momonlk killed Btn Cascaes - about 5 hours ago
Mineiro Imp and Rom Samael killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Momonlk and Farxodov killed Rom Samael - about 5 hours ago
Nekron Vl and Rom Samael killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Farxodov and Momonlk killed Marciaa - about 5 hours ago
Mineiro Imp and Nekron Vl killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Momonlk and Farxodov killed Klebin Come Pao - about 5 hours ago
Rom Samael and Nekron Vl killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Marciaa , Farxodov and Rom Samael killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Rom Samael , Nekron Vl and Marciaa killed Momonlk - about 5 hours ago
Lord Kill Pk and Momonlk killed Farxodov - about 5 hours ago

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