
Character Information
Name Lkjir
Level 313
Title Elite Slayer V Legendary
Last online about 2 hours ago
Born January 07, 2024
Recent character kills and deaths
Ilx Rato Ilx killed Lkjir - about 2 hours ago
Lkjir , Pana Broo and Joaoceu killed Vbxbjsdjdn - about 2 hours ago
Dcl Supra killed Lkjir - about 7 hours ago
Rvt Nightmare and Jvxz Revoltz Xl killed Lkjir - about 7 hours ago
Jvxz Revoltz Xl and Rvt Nightmare killed Lkjir - about 7 hours ago
Rvt Nightmare killed Lkjir - about 7 hours ago
Sra Lowzinha Sz , Sistemavc , Leandrozy , Arqueirolutador , Claysonxl , Rei Margod and Lkjir killed Rvt Nightmare - about 7 hours ago
Sistemavc , Lacostemage , Leandrozy , Sra Lowzinha Sz , Rei Margod , Lkjir , Claysonxl and Arqueirolutador killed Dead Divine Rvt - about 7 hours ago
Lkjir , Rei Margod , Leandrozy and Il Tx killed Dead Divine Rvt - about 7 hours ago
Rei Margod , Sra Lowzinha Sz , Repzera and Lkjir killed Rvt Nightmare - about 7 hours ago
Rvt Nightmare killed Lkjir - about 7 hours ago
Lacostemage , Lkjir , Sra Lowzinha Sz , Dead Divine Rvt and Zl Pleyer Zl killed Alejandto - about 7 hours ago
Leandrozy , Claysonxl , Lkjir and Repzera killed Dead Divine Rvt - about 7 hours ago
Sistemavc , Leandrozy , Zl Pleyer Zl , Lkjir , Repzera , Paladin Leaderr and Lacostemage killed Dead Divine Rvt - about 7 hours ago
Zl Pleyer Zl , Paladin Leaderr , Lkjir and Repzera killed Alejandto - about 7 hours ago

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