Endless Shxdow Supporter

Character Information
Name Endless Shxdow
Level 614
Guild Slacker Elite
Title PvP Master VII Legendary
Last online about 8 hours ago
Born January 08, 2017
Recent character kills and deaths
Chrishs Wand and Endless Shxdow killed Anarchy Golden - about 8 hours ago
Endless Shxdow killed Chrishs Wand - about 8 hours ago
Flame Vl and Mage Do Pain killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Flame Vl killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Cafe Virtue killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Endless Shxdow and Cafe Virtue killed Flame Vl - 1 day ago
Flame Vl and Cafe Virtue killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Dead Onurb and Dou Pra Cavalos killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Void Final Boss and Fallen Kaua Gws killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Dou Pra Cavalos and Void Final Boss killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Void Final Boss , Dou Pra Cavalos and Fallen Kaua Gws killed Endless Shxdow - 1 day ago
Dou Pra Cavalos , Endless Shxdow and Void Final Boss killed Dead Onurb - 1 day ago
Endless Shxdow killed Dead Onurb - 1 day ago
Endless Shxdow killed Emma Ai - 1 day ago
Emma Ai and Endless Shxdow killed Mugen Tsukuyxmi - 1 day ago

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