Jhonlodi Online

Character Information
Name Jhonlodi
Level 436
Guild Aa Akatsuki Aa
Title Boss Slayer V Legendary
Last online currently online
Born May 24, 2021
Recent character kills and deaths
Kishou Arimaz , Gns Astro Mxgic and Jhonlodi killed Spec Mxrette - less than a minute ago
Gns Astro Mxgic , Kishou Arimaz and Jhonlodi killed Il Blytzz Il - less than a minute ago
Jhonlodi , Kishou Arimaz and Gns Astro Mxgic killed Spell Damage - less than a minute ago
Jhonlodi , Kishou Arimaz and Gns Astro Mxgic killed Newbie Knight - less than a minute ago
Gns Astro Mxgic , Jhonlodi and Kishou Arimaz killed Spec Fukada - less than a minute ago
Sx Drakler , Jhonlodi and Uberyr killed Spec Sxntos - less than a minute ago
Kishou Arimaz and Jhonlodi killed Spec Mxrette - 3 minutes ago
Jhonlodi and Kishou Arimaz killed Spell Damage - 3 minutes ago
Tempus Il Fugit , Jhonlodi , Il Akt Zoro Il , Gns Astro Mxgic and Sx Drakler killed Newbie Knight - 4 minutes ago
Kishou Arimaz , Gns Astro Mxgic , Il Akt Zoro Il and Jhonlodi killed Spec Fukada - 4 minutes ago
Il Akt Zoro Il , Kishou Arimaz and Jhonlodi killed Spec Mxrette - 4 minutes ago
Gns Astro Mxgic , Dark Skinned and Jhonlodi killed Spec Mxrette - 5 minutes ago
Jhonlodi , Gns Astro Mxgic and Tempus Il Fugit killed Spec Fukada - 5 minutes ago
Jhonlodi killed Uqiba - 41 minutes ago
Yak Santos and Jhonlodi killed Arthuzim Gamer - about 22 hours ago
Agiota Norad and Ill Yoru Ill killed Jhonlodi - about 24 hours ago

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