Mestre Orochi Online Supporter

Character Information
Name Mestre Orochi
Level 454
Guild Death Mages
Title Cerberus Slayer V Legendary
Last online currently online
Born August 04, 2022
Recent character kills and deaths
Deidaraccd killed Mestre Orochi - about 2 hours ago
Mestre Orochi killed Obra Do Uzu - about 7 hours ago
Obra Do Uzu killed Mestre Orochi - about 7 hours ago
Madara Ix , Mestre Orochi and Earth Return killed Obra Do Uzu - about 7 hours ago
Eo Trashzin , Madara Ix , Mestre Orochi and Earth Return killed Obra Do Uzu - about 7 hours ago
Eo Trashzin , Satell and Mestre Orochi killed Maconheirolivre - about 7 hours ago
Eo Trashzin , Mestre Orochi and Satell killed Josue De Moura - about 7 hours ago
Satell and Mestre Orochi killed Devil Kroyz - about 7 hours ago
Mestre Orochi and Satell killed Josue De Moura - about 7 hours ago
Satell and Mestre Orochi killed Devil Kroyz - about 7 hours ago
Mestre Orochi and Sz Isah Sz killed Josue De Moura - about 7 hours ago
Gatothi , Ubermaluco , Xp Knight Xp , Nxsferatu Zodd and Mestre Orochi killed Zaicron - about 21 hours ago
Gatothi , Nxsferatu Zodd , Xp Knight Xp , Mestre Orochi and Ubermaluco killed Lova Do Seu Ze - about 21 hours ago
Nyber Kotoco , Gatothi and Mestre Orochi killed Gory Knight - about 21 hours ago
Mestre Orochi , Nxsferatu Zodd , Nyber Kotoco and Gatothi killed Lova Do Seu Ze - about 21 hours ago

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