
Character Information
Name Derremoto
Level 384
Guild Dragon
Title Blacksmith
Last online about 2 hours ago
Born March 10, 2020
Recent character kills and deaths
Avenger Ghost , Il Fercho Il and Pepunucfj killed Derremoto - about 2 hours ago
Abajo Los Geys , Pepunucfj , Mini Tiliness , Rxhxghxzgjctsrd and Jesus Expert killed Derremoto - about 2 hours ago
Derremoto , Comandiu Go , The Last Sow and Abajo Los Geys killed Little Merlin - about 2 hours ago
The Last Sow , Abajo Los Geys , Mini Tiliness , Rxhxghxzgjctsrd and Jesus Expert killed Derremoto - about 3 hours ago
Josecito Xd killed Derremoto - about 3 hours ago
Derremoto killed Jesus Expert - about 3 hours ago

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