Last Explosion Supporter

Character Information
Name Last Explosion
Level 498
Guild Bibo Army
Title Rogue Knight IV Ultra Rare
Last online 1 day ago
Born May 04, 2021
Recent character kills and deaths
Last Explosion killed Mythical Duck - 1 day ago
Last Explosion killed Betretiop - 1 day ago
Betretiop , Last Explosion and Kwazki killed Kirpikirpi - 1 day ago
Last Explosion killed Mythical Duck - 1 day ago
Brolly God Hrd and Damn This Rxsul killed Last Explosion - 4 days ago
Ihate Pakistan and Brolly God Hrd killed Last Explosion - 4 days ago
Mordor Op , Il Lucypher Il , Evil Lethal and Lemus Mamba killed Last Explosion - 4 days ago
Last Explosion , Cebinsito , Xl Anthuan Xll and Il Lucypher Il killed Kemuelpzz - 4 days ago
Cigren , Lemus Mamba and Tobi Tr killed Last Explosion - 4 days ago
Last Explosion killed Evil Lethal - 4 days ago
Lemus Mamba killed Last Explosion - 4 days ago
Last Explosion killed Karma Il Bfk - 4 days ago
Last Explosion and Op Melee Sc killed Karma Il Bfk - 4 days ago
Last Explosion killed Evil Lethal - 4 days ago
Last Explosion killed Karma Il Bfk - 4 days ago

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