Atsuya Fubuki Supporter

Character Information
Name Atsuya Fubuki
Level 329
Title PvP Master IV Ultra Rare
Last online about 10 hours ago
Born November 20, 2022
Recent character kills and deaths
Atsuya Fubuki killed Ana Ju - about 12 hours ago
Atsuya Fubuki killed Nekron Vl - about 12 hours ago
Atsuya Fubuki killed Fx Wow Fx - about 12 hours ago
Atsuya Fubuki killed Ana Ju - about 12 hours ago
Fx Wow Fx and Nekron Vl killed Atsuya Fubuki - about 12 hours ago
Atsuya Fubuki killed Fx Wow Fx - about 12 hours ago
Atsuya Fubuki killed Fx Wow Fx - about 12 hours ago
Armageddon Rvt , Darkzin Pro , Takashinho Gg and Tekomo Nacama killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago
Mr Preto , Armageddon Rvt , Km Skill Dragon and Darkzin Pro killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago
Myhegg and Light Ariel killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago
Aniquilaa Low killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago
Atsuya Fubuki , Mata Low Facil and Akt Cleeiitin killed Peixonauta Mpx - 1 day ago
Rom Pachequinho killed Peixonauta Mpx - 1 day ago
Rom Pachequinho and Peixonauta Mpx killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago
Xx Eren Xx and Atsuya Fubuki killed Cavaleiroprata - 1 day ago
Sz Isah Sz killed Atsuya Fubuki - 1 day ago

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