Alexis Day

Character Information
Name Alexis Day
Level 286
Title Elite Slayer V Legendary
Last online about 7 hours ago
Born February 17, 2023
Recent character kills and deaths
Capo Abysmal and Alexis Day killed Creepstix - 1 day ago
Papi Jd , Kelys Mommy Sz and Bryangato killed Alexis Day - 1 day ago
Alexis Day , Titan Speaker , Kelys Mommy Sz and Lian Astral Km killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Kelys Mommy Sz , Winterpless , Alexis Day and Titan Speaker killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Lian Astral Km , Alexis Day , Titan Speaker and Kelys Mommy Sz killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Titan Speaker , Kelys Mommy Sz and Alexis Day killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Espanhis , Bryangato , Kelys Mommy Sz , Alexis Day , Lian Astral Km and Titan Speaker killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Papi Jd , Kelys Mommy Sz , Lian Astral Km , Winterpless , Alexis Day and Espanhis killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Papi Jd , Alexis Day , Espanhis , Kelys Mommy Sz and Lian Astral Km killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Winterpless , Kelys Mommy Sz and Alexis Day killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Alexis Day , Bryangato , Kelys Mommy Sz and Winterpless killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Alexis Day , Paolons , Kelys Mommy Sz and Winterpless killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Winterpless , Alexis Day , Bryangato , Lian Astral Km and Kelys Mommy Sz killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Winterpless , Kelys Mommy Sz , Bryangato , Lian Astral Km and Alexis Day killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago
Paolons , Winterpless , Mini Ansry Xx and Alexis Day killed Npc Cr - 1 day ago

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